Dec 30, 2012

Snowboard style!


Dec 3, 2012


Savner Danmark rigtig meget men jeg begynder at føle mig mere hjemme i Belgien end jeg gjorde i starten. Det er rigtig svært at skulle vænne sig til et nyt sted at bo samtidig med en ny skole og et nyt system.. Har det bedre og bedre hernede, bortset lige fra tanken om at jeg har eksamener i næste uge.
Men det følger vel altid med. Var til Swedish house mafia koncert her forleden med mine 2 svenske veninder på billedet - virkelig virkelig fedt! Vi havde brugt lidt ekstra penge på det fordi vi gerne ville have vip billetter og vi endte med at overnatte på et hotel fordi det tager lidt over en time at køre fra koncerten og hjem til mig.. Rigtig hyggeligt ville ønske jeg kunne gøre det igen!

Miss Denmark a lot right know but i am starting to feel more at home in Brussels then i did in the beginning. It takes some time to get used to a new place to live plus new friends and a whole new school, it's a fantastic experience for me - when you dont think about the fact that i have exams next week.. went to a SHM concert in the weekend - couldn't have been more epic than it was..

- M.M

Nov 9, 2012

In Brussels there is a market in the city every wednesday where they sell fresh fruit, wine, cheese etc.
When i walked by this market there was an amazing feel about the evening. Everyone was laid back, sitting in bar chairs, drinking red wine and speaking french with a fine attitude - forgetting that they had to go to work the day after. Loved it.

- Majbrit

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.
- George Horace Lorimer


Nov 5, 2012

wandering the streets of copenhagen with majbrit while she visited, shopping, drinking coffee and enjoying joeys.


Oct 6, 2012

Pictures from our bad ass day in Bruxelles.. ( went crazy with my knew camera hæhæ)

xoxo Gossip girl

Sep 25, 2012

Just a quick post with some of the songs i listen a lot to at the moment.

- Majbrit

Sep 24, 2012


A couple of days ago we went for a walk in Bruxelles, right were i live and i had my new Canon camera in my hands. I got really inspired to take a lot of pictures and when i started playing paparazzi and took pictures of the people sitting on the streets, i noticed how many homeless people that there are in Bruxelles. Ironical as it was, they were sitting at the street with the most business men/women walking around in their high heels, driving in their ferraris, jaguars and you name it. 
Can't help but feeling bad when i see a homeless and i am walking around in my knew clothes with a big Canon camera in my hands - i feel like i wanna do something to help them, i don't know what at the moment, but i am sure i can find something.
Right know i am loving my life in Bruxelles and Waterloo, i feel inspired to take pictures and paint pictures. The school does involve a lot of homework, but i am trying to keep my head up by thinking about the improvement i hope i will see during the years.

- Majbrit


Sep 20, 2012

A certain darkness is needed to see the stars

Watching the sunset in Santorini after a relaxing day at Eos island, just drinking cocktails laying by the beach and getting tanned, with great people, great music, and great weather. Santorini is truly amazing the only things that is missing is Majbrit, whom I am, if possible, missing more then ever!


Sep 11, 2012

In love

Oh no, have done the unthinkeble, I've fallen in love, a crush that can never be more then a cruch. It is this insanely charming and amazing boy, I'm almost dying just thinking of him, and his voice, i can't even describe it. I could just merry him right away! I can't wait to his concert!


Sep 6, 2012

Flat inspiration

I am a sucker for engineer inspiration, so here is some inspiring pictures.